A wearable algae bioreactor
2017 ©Fara Peluso
WeaReactor is a tool and a new typology of accessory which connects the the algae photosynthesis process with the breath of human beings. This accessory
contributes to create a symbiotic relationship between these living forms where the human breath can
be part of the biological process of photosynthesis
supplying a CO2 (dioxide carbon) and getting pure
O2 (oxygen) back.
How weaReactor talks about the values of society
of future remarking the relationship between human
being, nature and technology?
Through the successful eradication of the concept
that the human being is the most important living
organism on earth, for the future society the hie-
rarchies between us and nature will be cancelled
and we’ll become more conscious and participative
with our environment. Because today artists and
designers have the role to raise critical questions
the design of new tools with a speculative method
can be applied in this way and ‘wearReactor’ is an
example. This wearable tool intends to be an expe-
riential object, instead of just a fashion accessory.
Away from the aesthetic codes celebrated until now,
having more consciousness about living organisms,
weaReactor represents a new experience connected
to wearing an accessory. A ctional artefacts which
can tells the story of a possible future scenario in
relation with the quality of environmental air in our
big metropoles, our attitudes and choices on how to
relate to this issue. This accessory also symbolizes
the new research and designing methodologies
emerging in the eld of art and science. Sharing
and melting of knowledge and tools that are put in
place show increasing potential. The result is the
prototype #1
‘Lost in Transfromation’ by BioArt Laboratories
Dutch Design Week ‘17
possibility to create new hybrid artefacts avoiding
to pursue just a mimicry of biological aspects and
crossing some borders. Such a hybrid is not only the
aesthetic form but the methods from different elds
which we use in its creation. All this can be well
represented by the aesthetic codes of speculative
design which today proves to be an explorative lear-
ning tool with a great future projection ability.
What can be done to shape the future remarking the
topic of decision participation and empowerment?
The speculative artefacts can be recognized as
democratic because creators of critical thinkings
and empathic attitudes (*). Today the education
for a critical thinking it’s an important antidot to
conformism which is alway more predominant and
powerful. It’s an important ingredient to accept the
differents between people, others points of view and
diversities and going towards a democratic state an
beings empathic. An empathic practice which from
the discovering and the respect of differents living
non-human organisms could move toward other hu-
man beings. For this reason the speculative practice
and its artefacts have a great social value, relational
and politic as well as an aesthetic and experimental
one, declaring it a strong and powerful in uencial
tool for single ‘common’ people and for ‘powerful
politicians’ which role is to decide somehow the fate
of our planet and society.
During the three-month residency at feldfünf space
weaReactor project will be analized and shaped
according to a tridimensional model and produced
with one of the last 3d printing technics. Furthermore
parallel activities can be proposed for the pubblic
like workshops and talks about the topic of Specu-
lative Design and DIY Biology for example how to
grow algae indoor and build a bioreactor for their
* B. Latour - ‘Which politics for which artifacts? The unexpected consequences of designing artifacts’ – Domus 871