Artist and designer 

adopting speculative design methods to enquire into living organisms agency and poetics.


2016 Diploma ( B.ID.) Industrial Design – University of Architecture 'La Sapienza' Rome, IT

2010 Diploma Visual Communication – ISD Naples, IT

Fara Peluso is a Berlin based artist-designer. She graduated in industrial design at University Architecture 'La Sapienza' in Rome and studied as graphic designer. Through a speculative research she plays how to connect the human beings with nature, living organisms and biological processes in a deeper relationship. Constantly researching and taking inspiration from elements present in Nature, she believes that it’s a great Strategy for Art and Design. The relationship between the human beings and their environment is observed and the concept that we are the most important living organisms on earth is cancelled. As an artist-designer with a strong interest on Biology, Fara Peluso pursues her deep research on algae taking constantly inspiration from them, enquiring into their poetry and agency through a transdisciplinary and speculative methodology. Her work is focused on both the material and the procedural aspects, investigating possible closer relationships between human beings and algae organisms. Fara Peluso wants to contribute to raise critical questions considering it a role belonging to artists and designers, she asks how the design of new tools through a speculative methodology can be applied in this way. Fictional artifacts that tell the story of a possible future scenario about the quality our lives, attitudes and choices. Constantly interested for new collaborations with scientists, research institutions and divers professional figures, Fara Peluso until December 2020 has been guests at the Institute of Biotechnology TU in Berlin as a resident artist for the project ‘Mind the Fungi’, a two-year collaborative project between the Technical University Berlin, the Institute for Biotechnology and Art Laboratory Berlin. In 2019 her project ‘Memory Matter’ was funded by the Goethe Institute of Brussels and developed during the ‘Imagining Ecological Future Residency’ in Namur, Belgium. In 2018 her project 'Living Canvas' was selected and funded by innogy Stiftung für Energie und Gesellschaft, in collaboration with Solaga and exposed at STATE Studio, Berlin in 2019. She exposed at DDW17 in Eindhoven in 2017 and at Futurium Museum in Berlin in 2018 and again in 2020. In 2017 in collaboration with BioArt Laboratories in Eindhoven during the ‘Talent Pressure Cooker Residency 2017’, she developed the prototype of her speculative wearable accessory ‘WeaReactor’. A tool and accessory which connects the algae’s photosynthesis process with the breath of humans. In 2022 she was 9 months in residency at Ars Electronica, regional S+T+ARTS center in Linz, with her new collaborative project ‘Circular Records’ about LP bioplastic manufacturing. In March 2023 she exposed at Weltmuseum Vienna the algae sound installation ‘Tecuitlatl’ in collaboration with the sound composer Hüma Utku and in research collaboration with prof. María Antonia González Valerio.



– ‘Sci-Fi’ exhibition presenting ‘Tecuitlatl’ algae sound installation – Weltmuseum Vienna – Austria

- A Sea Change Residency Research program – MedILS, Kontejner Split – Croatia

- Heard by the Deep exhibition, MKC, Kontejner Split - Croatia

- ‘Polymeric identities’ bioplastic textile workshop – Fashion and Technology department – University Art and Design Linz- Austria


– ‘Panke Interventions – Algature workshop’ – DIY Hack the Panke – Art Laboratory Berlin – Germany

– ‘Panke Interventions – Wetland Ecologies: Life in Transitional Zones’ – Art Laboratory Berlin - Germany

– ‘Ouroboros’ – REWORLD exhibition at MEET - Repairing the Present Residency Eu ProgramMilan - Italy

– ‘Ouroboros’ - exhibition at Ars Electronica – Repairing the Present Residency Eu ProgramLinz - Austria

Alter(action) exhibition at MEIAC – Badajoz – Spain

Cultivamos Cultura Residency – Lisbon - Portugal

Circular Records - Residency at S+T+ARTS center Ars Electronica - European Commission Fellowship Program-- Linz - Austria


Design for Future co-existences – Material Trajectories. Designing with Care – Humboldt University Berlin

Comprehensive Thinkers for a Post-Anthropocene – Salon Digital Conference – HFK Bremen


Algature for Bioeconomy Workshop – Futurium - Berlin

FeralAir Residency – Salzburg

- Algature workshop – GLUON - Brussels

- Mind The Fungi Exhibition - Citizen Science project - Futurium - Berlin

- Mind The Fungi - Citizen Science project - Art Laboratory - TU - Berlin - Artistic Research Residency


MIRA Festival – Talk presentation – Barcelona ES

KIKK festival exhibition

Imagining Ecological Futures Residency – Goethe Institute Brussels Fellowship - Namur BE

- Mind The Fungi - Citizen Science projetc Art Laboratory - TU - Berlin Artistic Research - Residency

- Water Ecology Exhibition Art Laboratory - Berlin Artistic Research

- Field Experiment exhibition State Studio- Berlin Living Canvas installation – Förderprogramm "Visit" der Innogy Stiftung für Energie und Gesellschaft


- Retune Festival 2018, Algature workshop for Satellite program. Art Laboratory Berlin, Ge.

- Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2018 im Futurium. DIYBio Faire. Futurium, Berlin, Ge.

- Algature Workshop. BioTech. Greenlab project for Kunsthochschule Weißensee Berlin. TopLab, Berlin, Ge.

- Algature Workshop. TopLab’s BioLab workshops programm. TopLab, Berlin, Ge.


- Lost in Transformation. Metamorphosis. Dutch Design Week 2017, Eindhoven, NL.



A Sea Change Research program scholarship – MedILS, Kontejner Split – Croatia


- Stiftung Kunstfonds - NEUSTART KULTUR_Stipendium (2. Auflage) - Chromo-cene Project

S+T+ARTS Fellowship ‘Repairing the Present’ Ars Electronica - European Commission Program-- Linz - Austria


Förderprogramm "Visit" der Innogy Stiftung für Energie und Gesellschaft -Living Canvas Project – Berlin

Goethe Institute Brussels Fellowship Imagining Ecological Futures – Memory Matter project - Namur - BE